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Discipleship Series: My Personal Discipleship Plan

Writer's picture: Andrew HawkinsAndrew Hawkins


On April 29, 2022, the residents of Andover, Kansas, were living a peaceful life. They were shopping for food. Enjoying their peaceful evening. When all of a sudden, out of nowhere, a spiraling cloud descended on the ground like a rope. Could it be? It was none other than a E.F. 3 tornado that left a destructive wave behind in the Andover community.

Life whether we like it or not throws us spiritual tornadoes when we least likely expect them. Sometime, all the excitement we once had goes by the wayside. About three weeks ago…, When we hear those words “about three weeks ago”, it brings up one or two things. It can either be a good beginning to a not-so-great story. Or it can be a good beginning to an amazing story. On a usually Monday morning, as the birds were chirping in the wind, I was thinking about my future, which I do from a time or two. Okay, I think about my future nonstop. When suddenly, out of nowhere, doubts start to swirl in my mind, like a tornado of doubts swarming by mind, blowing down the houses of peace, assurance, and hope in my mind. Doubts were playing on repeat in my mind, “Andrew, you are not worthy of the calling God has for you. Andrew, pursue Math and Computer Science instead of ministry. Andrew, do not pursue Ministry who will listen to you anyways. You are too young.” These thoughts are the familiar tune of the Devil. They are the Static noise of my mind trying to blow down the houses of confidence of God’s calling on my life. “Andrew, the recession is about to hit. You will not be able to support yourself in ministry. Give up. Pursue math as a safety net.”

Truthfully, I am still in the midst of a spiritual storm of insecurity and not knowing how God will support in my ministry. God might support me by allowing me a tentmaking job (like Math and Computer Science Job). God is in control of my life. I will follow whatever He has in store for my life. I am still struggling with these thoughts. God knows where I am and He will give me hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). Psalms 119:11 “I have hidden your word in my heart that I may not sin against you.” John 17:17 “Sanctify them in the Word of Truth.” When we struggle with the spiritual tornado of doubts, we can always remember that it is temporary damage, not permanent damage. I know that I need to rebuild my house of trust with God from the spiritual destruction of the “Doubt” tornado. Have you ever believed in the lies Satan tries to place in your mind?

The worries of this world can overwhelm us and consume every thought we have. The overwhelming thoughts we have about the worries of this world calls our name out saying things like “How can you finance this? How can you fall in love with a church when you have a background of switching churches? How can you work with kids? Keep sinning. It is doesn’t matter.” These thoughts weigh in my mind every time I would love to pursue ministers. Andrew, get that tentmaking job inside of going into full-time ministry. Andrew, you do not know the first thing about fundraising. So, give up, Andrew. When we hear those two words play on repeat like it a lyric to your not favorite song, it can discourage us from pursuing God’s ultimate plan for our lives. When we hear those two words, we should surround ourselves with people who can be the voice of reason in the treacherous waters of our thoughts. This is where discipleship groups come in. When we are struggling, we can rely on our small groups to help us rebuild the damage that “doubt” tornado left behind. Who is the mastermind behind these spiritual “doubt” tornadoes? It is the man who seeks to destroy our lives. That is none other than the Devil himself. Who has conquered the Devil? The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. He, referring to Jesus Christ, conquered sin and death and paid the penalty of our sin.

Even though the Andover community was damaged, they can rebuild their houses. However, there is a bigger problem than our physical problems, there is a spiritual problem and that is spiritual tornado of sin that descend in our lives once in a while. We are all born with that “want to” desire to sin. And this tornado of sin leaves a wake of spiritual destruction in our lives. The only way to recover and rebuild from the destructive tornado of sin is by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Just like a physical tornado precedes an emergency action plan, a spiritual tornado precedes a spiritual emergency action plan. As Christians, we should come alongside people to help recover the destructive spiritual tornadoes that wreak havoc on their lives. In this paper, we will develop an emergency action plan (EAP) on how to overcome spiritual tornadoes in our lives that leave a wave of destruction behind. One of the best ways of developing a spiritual emergency action plan is by being part of a discipleship group.

Discipleship groups are like the tornado warning system. The discipleship group is not only there to build a relationship with them but also sound the siren when we are on a destructive path. You do not see the weatherman on the TV just doing it for their own purpose but to save the lives of unalerted. Just like weatherman trying to save people from the weather elements of this world, Christians are the spiritual weatherman monitoring the spiritual weather in the lives the believers. When we see a dark cloud of depression raining down on their spiritual house of our brother or sister in Christ, we remind them of the hope that they have in Christ. When we remind them of this promise, their dark cloud of depression raining down on their spiritual house becomes clear and sunny. Their life has been repaired. We need alerts to help us stay on the right track so that when we encounter spiritual tornadoes of doubt, fear, worry, and sin, we have friends that have our back and help rebuild our spiritual houses that have been blown away from a spiritual tornado. Also, Discipleship groups are like the community-driven efforts on repairing the house that were destroyed by the physical tornado. Discipleship groups exist to be the community-driven spiritual repair team that helps get a believer’s life back on track. I could not exist without a discipleship group. When I am worried or anxious about my future, I talk it over with my discipleship group. The core discipleship group I have is my parents. My parents help keep my eyes focus on God and not on earthly things.

What is Discipleship?

In a nutshell, if it could be literally placed in a nutshell, Discipleship-making is the process of leading people to the Lord and helping them grow in their walk with Christ. Discipleship-making is also the process by which people are turning away from their addictions of this world and drawing closer to having Christlike behavior. This leads the question, what is Christlike Behavior?

Christlike behavior is turning away from anger to peaceful conversations. Turning away from lustful thoughts to pure thoughts. Turning away from continual evil thoughts to good thoughts that are brought on by the Holy Spirit. Christlike behaviors do not arrive in the Prime delivery rate. It takes time for those Christlike behaviors to appear. It is not like an overnight sensation. It is like a marathon. This concept leads to another question, what is the overarching goal of the Christlike marathon?

This is another great question. The overarching goal of this Christlike marathon is to develop a lifelong relationship with God so that Christians can live with God for eternity in heaven. There are two finish lines to reach Heaven. One has been predicted many times. Another is an automatic entrance into heaven.

The first finish line into Heaven is the Rapture. For reference, the Rapture is the Evacuation of the believers so that they do not live in the tribulation. The Rapture is only for those who believe that Jesus Christ is the only way into Heaven (John 14:6). John 14:6 states, “Jesus replied, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” “Except through me” is an essential phrase in Jesus’s reply to the disciples because it only by Jesus Christ that we can even know God. Also, the only way to live in perfect harmony with God is through Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is only by Christ’s perfect atoning sacrifice that we can live in God’s presence. This is an essential component to what discipleship is.

Here is a little background to John 14. John 14 was Jesus’s reply to the disciples when they were worried about Jesus dying. The disciples did not understand Jesus dying as much as Christians do into Today’s world. John 14 begins with Jesus talking to the disciples. He begins his speech to the disciples. He started, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.” Thomas (AKA Doubting Thomas), with a concerned look in his face, tears streaming down his face, and having not the slightest clue, replied, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” This is when Jesus started to disciple Thomas. Jesus is the ultimate Disciple-maker. He, referring to Jesus Christ, came alongside them and guided them to himself. To disciple Thomas and the other fellow disciples which included Philip, Jesus said to Thomas and the others, “Look, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” Thomas was probably thinking in his mind, “Umm…How have I seen the father.” Jesus was basically explaining to Thomas that Jesus, God’s son, and God The Father are one (John 10:30). Jesus was communicating that “When you have me, you have seen the Father.” Philip interrupted him and said to Jesus Christ, “Lord, show us the Father and it will be enough for us.” Jesus said in his not sinful state, “Excuse me! Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip?” As the reader, you must be thinking in your mind, “Oooo… Jesus used Philip’s first name. He must be in trouble.”

Jesus continued, “Whoever has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works.” This is when Jesus calls on the disciple to believe in me. Jesus called, “Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on the account of the works themselves.” He ends his mini devotional to His disciples with a practical truth that the disciples can act on. Jesus Christ states, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and the greater works than these will he do, because I am going to Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” This comes from John 14:1-14 paraphrased.

Sometimes, The Bible can confuse people. However, God enables the disciplers to disciple their followers to help guide them to the right understanding of the passage. I used the example of Jesus Christ going to Heaven as a passage to help illustrate the Evacuation of the Believers.

The second way of getting the finish line of Christlikeness is sadly death. However, if you believe in Jesus Christ, you know that death is just the beginning of being in presence of God 24/7 in heaven. This is amazing. Death is the just the bridge to live with God forever.

This was long-winded answer but the purpose of discipleship to develop lifetime followers of Jesus Christ who love Jesus Christ, who serve Jesus Christ, and who know Jesus Christ. Discipleship is a lifetime process. It is not a one-stop shop. It takes work to conform in the image of God. Romans 12:1-2 (ESV) states, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” To perfect yourself towards Christlikeness, you should not conform yourself to the pattern of this world. This is where an accountability group comes in.

The Sample Lesson I would begin a Discipleship Group

This a roleplaying example of a Discipleship group I would lead. Good morning, disciples. I am so happy that each one of you have decided to come to my discipleship group entitled “Elementary Principles.” I called this discipleship group series “Elementary Principles” because we will look at the key doctrine beliefs within the Christian faith. We will be using a study guide written by Andy Stanley to address the “Elementary Principles” contained in the Bible. Before we start in this lesson, let’s look at the benefits of discipleship group so that you can know why you are attending a discipleship group.

The first benefit of discipleship groups is that it can increase the likelihood of you reading the Bible every day. When you are involved in a discipleship group, such as the one you are probably involved currently, it helps you to stay accountable to reading the Bible and praying every day for the people in your group.

Another benefit of being in a discipleship group is the daily accountability of staying in the Word. It is easy to stray away from reading the Bible when you are doing it by yourself. However, when you have an accountability group or a discipleship group, it can help keep you in the Word of God every day. It is imperative that as believers of Christ, we should “not forsake the assembly of believers” (Hebrews 10:24-25). As a believer in Christ, my action plan would be creating discipleship groups to help grow them towards Christlikeness.

Another benefit of having a personal discipleship group, it can help you be transparent about your sin when you develop a personal relationship with your colleagues in the group. As a person in a discipleship group, I would come alongside them and be as transparent as possible.

Do you have any questions so far? If not, I am happy to conclude this meeting in prayer. For assignment for next week, I would like you to memorize 2 Timothy 2:15 because it will help you understand why we study the Word of God in a discipleship group like this one.

This is one of the discipleship Group outline I would follow if I could led my own discipleship group. The first 15 minutes of my discipleship group meeting will consist of fellowship. The next 15 minutes would be a time of prayer to pray for the prayer requests. We would use the A.C.T.S method to pray. The A.C.T.S method stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. After we pray, we will be diving into our study with Andy Stanley’s book “Starting Points.” Then after we dive into that, I would ask questions related to Andy Stanley’s discipleship book. This kind of what a discipleship group would like at my future or current church.

Personal Discipleship Plan

My discipleship plan begins with understanding what Discipleship is. Discipleship is the process by which we change our perspective from me-centered to God-centered. It looking at the world saying “How can I help you?” instead of saying “How can I help myself?” The World today is too me-centered and not enough God-centered. In the World today, people expect us to live the mold of the what the world wants. This is called worldly discipleship where we are discipled by the world’s standards. We need to practice what is called Godly discipleship. Godly discipleship is growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). In my discipleship plan, I would be evangelizing once a week and leading a discipleship group once a week also. At my current church, I have been leading a small group, about 5-6 children, of the fourth grade. It is hard to disciple young children because their attention span is so sporadic.

My discipleship plan would follow Jesus Christ’s discipleship plan. However, Christ’s discipleship plan was perfect. My discipleship plan is that Discipleship defines our lives. Jesus Christ should define our lives. He shouldn’t just be a figment of imagination. He should be the person we rely on the most. Our works should be the outpouring of our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ hanged around sinners yet did not stumble. We should be like Jesus Christ and hang out with the sinners to help them come to repentance in Jesus Christ. However, we should not stumble and participate in their sin. We should not encourage a weaker brother to sin. We should come alongside them just as they are to help them come to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ. This is my three-part discipleship plan is to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ. My Personal discipleship plan would also include evangelism. Evangelism is a key component of discipleship. Evangelism is defined as “spreading God’s free message of salvation to those who haven’t heard the gospel before.” Over 3.2 billion people haven’t heard the Gospel in the world today. As ministers of God’s word, we need to develop an evangelism plan to help reach those 3.2 billion who haven’t heard the Gospel in the world today.

First, in my personal discipleship plan, the people who are in my discipleship plan, will know Jesus Christ. What Jesus Christ did for them? I would use the Wordless book method to communicate this truth. Second, in my personal discipleship plan, the people who are in my discipleship plan, will love Jesus Christ. Why Jesus Christ loves them? Jesus loved them so much that he sacrificed himself on the Cross to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Third, in my personal discipleship plan, the people who are in my discipleship plan, will serve Jesus Christ by volunteering in the local church. I would get a group of young adults like me and begin witnessing once a week. Currently, I haven’t found anyone who would like to go witness with me. I would also do a Starting Points small group at my church to help develop new Christians with the doctrine of Salvation.


Personal Discipleship Plans can change from church to church. My discipleship plan seems to be more of the understanding of discipleship because I haven’t ever been able to put my plan into action because of the church I am at. But I ever get a chance of launching a discipleship group at my church or a future church I attend, I would probably start with the definition of discipleship in my small group because sometimes Christians can have the wrong perspective of discipleship.

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