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The Overview of the Book of Genesis through the Lens of Moses

Writer's picture: Andrew HawkinsAndrew Hawkins

Genesis is a magnificent book that was written by Moses. Moses was the author of Genesis. Most conservative scholars agree that Moses penned the words found in the great book of beginnings. Moses penned the wonderful historical accounts of Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, Terah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Leah, Jacob, Rachel, and Joseph. Moses was very organized in writing this book. Moses always had a key phrase he used, “These are the generations (or accounts) of.”

Moses’ words were carried along by the Holy Spirit and divinely inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16–17; 2 Peter 1:19–21). God is the ultimate author of the book of Genesis. The words of Moses were both plenary and verbal inspired. Plenary Inspiration means that Moses word is complete because it was God breathed. Verbal Inspiration means that Moses penmanship was given to Moses by the Spoken word of God. Thus, As Americans, due to sovereignty and inspiration of God, Americans shall not question the authenticity of God’s words, written by the hand of Moses, because Moses wrote the book of Genesis by the divine authority of God. So, Moses’ writings (which is consist of 5 books—known as the Torah) as long with rest of the 61 books is the final authority for life and practice. So, all 66 books are completely and totally inspired by God. God’s Word is completely inspired, not partially inspired. Therefore, The Bible is the final authority for life and practice.

The keyword of Genesis is Beginnings. The book of Genesis overarching purpose is the to prepare Israel to accomplish the role and purpose in history that the Lord intended for them to play. The first major division of the book of Genesis is the Primeval History (Genesis 1:1–11:26). The purpose of Genesis 1:1-11:26 is to show Israel their role and purpose in the Lord’s plan is to be His channel for countering the effects of sin in the World.

Genesis 1–3 shows us that God created World (Genesis 1:1–25; Genesis 2:1–4), mankind (Genesis 1:26–29; Genesis 2:4­–9), womankind (Genesis 2:18–25), the Edenic covenant (Genesis 1:29–31; Genesis 2:9­–17), and the Serpent (Genesis 3:1). It was very good and pleasing to God (Genesis 1:31). Mankind however ruined his good creation by sinning. Adam and Eve was tempted by the serpent and lead the world into a downward spiral by eating from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 3:1–7). By creating the World and mankind, He made all things orderly and good (Genesis 1:1–2:3). However, by choosing to sin, man made God’s perfect creation into the futile world we know today (Genesis 2:4–4:26). Before the Fall, Yahweh Elohim (LORD God) provided everything man needed (Genesis 2:4–24). These two things that God provided man with was the Creation of mankind (Genesis 2:5–7) and the Provision for mankind (Genesis 2:8–24). However, even though God provided man with their every needed, Adam and Eve still chose to sin (Genesis 2:25–3:7). Even though they rejected God by accepting the lies the serpent brought forth in the Fall, Yahweh Elohim (LORD God) provided everything man needed (Genesis 3:8–24). As we can see in Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-26), the effects of man’s sin were passed on to his descendants (Genesis 4:1–26). This was the peak of Genesis 1–4. Cain was jealous that Abel’s offering was more valuable than His offering. Due to the result of his pride and Jealousness, Cain killed Abel and got rebuked by God. Moses main central point in Genesis 1–4 that contributes to the overarching view of the book of Genesis is that sin contaminates everything and leads us to the fact that we need a savior who can save us from the punishment of sin, (the punishment of sin is death and eternal separation from God in a place that has weeping and gnashing of teeth). This is where the book of Leviticus comes in and tells us how the sacrifices that Levites priests would make would point to a Gracious God.

Moses was writing Genesis 1–4 to show the Israelites that sin contaminates everything and the need of making sacrifices to God to still live in a personal relationship with God as Yahweh Elohim. Yahweh Elohim has some ties to the prophetic prophecy of Jesus Christ coming to save us from our sin and allows us to go in the eternal promised land which is the Kingdom of Heaven. Moses also wrote Genesis 1-4 to show where sin has come from. Sin came from Satan who was casted down to Earth during the War between God and Satan (Genesis 3; Isaiah 14; Revelation 12). Satan’s ultimate sin was the sin of the pride and the sin of thinking that he would become like God. Due to this ultimate sin, Satan was cast down to Earth which led Adam and Eve to sin which was in the ultimate plan of Salvation. Moses indicates that due this ultimate sin, God ultimately created humans to rebel and destroy Satan, so that they can live in harmony and peace with God.

Moses through a prophetic message shows us that Jesus Christ is the ultimate victor against Satan (Genesis 3:15). Moses also demonstrated that by writing Genesis 1-4 it shows how much Satan tries to seek people by twisting Scripture. This also occurs when Jesus was tempted by Satan in Matthew 4. Genesis 1-4 also shows how sin passes from generation to generation. Moses is also showing the Israelites on how sin is crouching at the door wanting to devour us.

Moses wrote Genesis 5-11 to show that mankind was incapable of countering or even controlling the effects of sin. Sin creeps into every crevice of the Earth and our lives. According to the Old Testament Tradition and before Jesus Christ came to Earth, there was no way to overcome the effects of sin except by offering the sin offering and guilt offering to God. This could only be performed by the Levitical Priests. This incapability lead Moses to make the argument that they need to have a personal relationship with God by obeying his commands. If they do obey God’s commands, it can lead to down spiral and ultimately lead to death both physically and spiritually.

Moses also shows us that by sinning and rejecting God, Man proved incapable of countering or even controlling the effects of sin (Genesis 5:1-11:9). Mankind could not counter or even control the effects of sin individually (Genesis 5:1-9:29). Mankind’s personal inability to control sin and its consequences is shown in the parallel development of promise and curse between Adam and Noah (Genesis 5:1-6:8). In the Generations between Adam and Noah, Sin brought death, but the promised seed continued as a testimony of hope. This is the climax of the Promise (Genesis 5:1-32). This is shown through the Cycle of Death and the Seed of the Promise. The Climactic Individual is Noah. At the same time, mankind proved unable to control sin individually by their evil practices (Genesis 6:1-4) and by their evil attitudes (Genesis 6:5-8). This is Climax of the Curse (Genesis 6:1-8). The climactic Individual is Noah. Though God gave man a new beginning through Noah, the sin problem was still unsolved. This is demonstrated that the End of the Old Creation.

Noah and His family averted the punishment of death and sin because Noah was righteous before God’s eyes. Noah also obeyed God and went into the Ark. This is found in Genesis 6-8 which is essentially the flood account and the creation of the Ark. Genesis 9 was the peak of the flood account because it was the covenant between God and Noah. Just like Noah was the ticket out of God’s wrath, Jesus Christ is the perfect ticket and the only ticket to avert the wrath of God and have a true and perfect relationship with God. The Noahic Covenant found in Genesis 9 was made to promise that God would not wipe out the earth with a flood because ultimately Christ’s death on the cross allowed for the free ticket to avert wrath which was only due to Christ’s substitutionary death. This indicates that the Noahic Covenant is unconditional. Another aspect to the Noahic covenant found in Genesis 9 was that the Nation would be accountable to God for the violence and bloodshed they caused. In the end times, the Nations are judged for the violence and bloodshed they caused. They will face judgement. The Noahic Covenant was fulfilled through Jesus Christ later. This is how the flood account contributes to the whole book of Genesis.

Then The Table of the Nation was formed due to the huge misstep at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 10:1-32). Since all the people spoke one language, they joined together to make a name for themselves through building a tower that reached Heaven (Genesis 11:1-4). After they started doing this, Yahweh Elohim came down and confused their languages. By confusing the people’s languages, they spread out across the globe wanting to be witnessed to. (Genesis 11:4-26). Then, He would make their language one once the prince of peace descends from heaven through a virgin birth to save their sins and restore their relationship with God (Revelation). This fits to the whole of the book because it is how the rest of the nations arise that gave Israel troubles, Moses wrote this section to alert people that they should give God the glory, not make a name for themselves. The Israelites need to make a name for their Yahweh Elohim.

Then comes Abram from the City of Ur. Abram’s name got changed in Genesis 17 to Abraham. Abraham laid the groundwork for the God’s redemptive message by God making a covenant with him. God made a covenant with Abraham just like God made the Messianic Covenant with people in the N.T. Genesis 12-50 is all about how through the Patriarch leaders were setting up the nation of Israel so that ultimately the Messiah can save us from our sin in the New Testament. Thus, Abraham set up the framework of the Gospel message by the Father of the nation of Israel.

Second, Abraham walked by Faith, not by sight. Abraham walked by Faith, not by sight as demonstrated by Scriptural references. Hebrews 11:8 is the primary scriptural references the fact that Abraham walked by Faith and not by sight. Abraham is one of the favorites among the Patriarch fathers. Another main encounter is

These are the two primary reasons why Abraham is considered a Patriarch Father in the book of Genesis. The Book of Genesis is one of the most influential books contained in the Bible and Abraham is the most quoted O.T. patriarch father in the New Testament.

Moses wrote the story of Abraham to show how Yahweh Elohim set the people of Israel for a unique purpose. That purpose was to establish the Kingdom of Yahweh Elohim through the future King who is none other than Jesus Christ (Yeshua Christos).

This purpose is demonstrated in the climactic moment of Genesis 15. Genesis 15 is the climactic moment of the book of Genesis because it is the Abrahamic Covenant. The event, which is found in Genesis 15, was the Abrahamic Covenant. God appeared in a vision and blessed Abraham with being a Father of the Nation of Israel. Abraham cut the pieces (this is why covenant means “to cut”) and that God walked through the cut animals, not Abraham (which signifies this was an unconditional promise because it was ONLY God that made the covenant). This Event starts with Abraham cutting the sacrifice. The Abrahamic Covenant is unconditional because God established this covenant while Abraham was sleeping. So, it is God who instituted this covenant out of love for his people.

The Abrahamic Covenant promised the following things. First, it is a personal blessing to Abraham that he would be the father of many nations, have a multitude of descendants, and prosper materially. Second, it is a universal blessing. The covenant says, “and in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” This points to Jesus Christ. Third, it promises blessings to Abraham’s descendants. Descendants promised greatness as a nation. This nation is promised land. There still must be fulfilled through Israel in the future. It is God alone who makes this covenant. It is God himself who is committing to fulfill these promises in the act of cutting the covenant. This indicates that it is unconditional, meaning God intends to fulfill these promises, and the failure or unbelief of Abraham or Israel’s part will not set aside of this covenant. Since this covenant is unconditional, it means that these promises cannot be taken away and can only be fulfilled through the lineage of Israel. The Church does not replace the promises given to Abraham and His descendants.

Abraham and Sarah bore a son in Sarah’s old age and called him, “Isaac.” God called Abraham to Sacrifice his son Isaac, but then changed his mind. Thereby, leading to the survival of Isaac. By God saving Isaac from being Sacrificed, God was merciful and carried the nation of Israel through the line of Isaac. For Isaac to carry the line of nation of Israel, He must find a wife. God was faithful and provided a wife, named Rebekah, to be Isaac’s wife. This is the first reason why Isaac was a Patriarch Father. Isaac was inducted in the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11. Hebrews 11:20 (ESV) states, “By faith, Isaac invoked future blessings on Jacob and Esau.” Without Isaac walking by faith, Isaac would not be pleasing to God. Hebrews 11:6 (ESV) states, “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to god must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Thus, Isaac fulfilled this requirement because he walked by faith according to God’s standard, not by sight. Therefore, Isaac is considered a Patriarch because Isaac was inducted in the hall of faith in Hebrews 11.

Thereby, these two reasons indicate that Isaac walked by faith, and not by sight. Also, Isaac carried the line of the nation of Israel which is quite astonishing.

One man stands out that suffered immensely and suffered persecution form his brothers. Despite this suffering, Joseph was blessed by God and was one of the Patriarch leaders. This leader is none-other than Joseph, the man with the coat of many colors and was Israel’s (Jacob’s) favorite son. His brothers were so jealous that they throw him in a pit and left him to die alone. After this, He was sold into slavery. He was also thrown in prison for the unlawful clam with Potiphar’s wife. But in all of these circumstances, God lead Joseph to help Egypt with a great famine. Pharaoh was not that great for the Egyptians, but he led the advisors to make a difference in Pharaoh’s life because Joseph interpreted a dream for Pharaoh.

Joseph is a Patriarch Leader for the following reasons. First, He was the first Patriarch to showcase that suffering can happen to good people. Second, He helped Egypt through the drought that occurred and led to a disease of famine. Third, He reunited with his Father and his brothers during the drought. Fourth, His Sons, Manasseh and Ephraim received a double portion and are considered half-tribes.

First, He was the first Patriarch to showcase that Suffering can happen to good people, but ultimately lead to good and prosperous things eventually. Genesis 50:20 confirms this truth. Genesis 50:20 (ESV) states, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” This is the landmark verse in Joseph’s life. Even though His brothers inflicted pain on Joseph, God ultimately turned Joseph into a good circumstance to save the lives of many people during the drought. Therefore, Joseph was the first Patriarch to showcase that suffering can happen to good people, but ultimately lead to good and prosperous things eventually if God’s hand is upon them.

Second, Joseph helped Egypt through a famine according to God’s sovereign plan. First, He was Chief Steward of Pharaoh because he interpreted Pharaoh’s dream that a famine will spread throughout Egypt. One way, Joseph helped Egypt with the famine was his knowledge of Agriculture by being a Chief Steward for the King of Egypt. From this Chief Steward position, Joseph learned how God would use him in days and years to come. God prepared him to help the Pharaoh during this trying time that the Egyptians had to face. Therefore, God prepared him in a place of leadership to inflict change in the life of Pharaoh. Joseph was the shepherd that cared for the God’s chosen flock This is so true. Therefore, by Aling’s article and the biblical account of Joseph, God called him to be a Patriarch because He helped Egypt with their famine.

Third, Joseph reunited with this Brothers and Father after a series of exchanges and interesting circumstances. The first interesting circumstance is the circumstance by which Jacob called his 11 sons to go down to Egypt. Once they got down to Egypt, they went to the Pharaoh’s second main person in command, who is Joseph. Joseph recognized them, but they did not recognize him. This led him to play a game with his brothers which led His brothers to be in prison for three days. This circumstance showcased that the Brothers were honest and has changed their way from how they acted in the past.

The second interesting circumstance is the circumstance by which Joseph called Jacob to send his youngest son, Benjamin, down to Egypt. Jacob was distraught at the fact that the Second main person in command would request such a thing. But their food ultimately ran down, and they had to go to Egypt. So, the Brothers reminded their Father of the predicament they are in. Ultimately, they finally went down and brought Benjamin down to Egypt. Joseph had another trial for them, and they passed. They finally got reunited and lived in Egypt with Joseph.

Therefore, by these two circumstances, Joseph was reunited with his brothers after a series of exchanges and interesting circumstances. The two circumstances were Jacob called his 11 sons to go down to Egypt and Joseph calling Jacob to send his youngest son to Egypt who was none other than Benjamin. Also, Jacob blessed Joseph’s sons, Ephraim, and Manasseh, with a double portion that lead to the fruition of the Nation of Israel.

As one can see in this narrative, there are two major divisions of the book of Genesis. The Primeval History is recorded in Genesis 1:1 through Genesis 11:26. The Patriarchal History is recorded in Genesis 11:26 to Genesis 50:26. In this paper, one learned that N.T. confirmed the Patriarchs. One also learned how Noah was a Patriarch too. Genesis is truly the story of how the nation of Israel got founded and led to a great redeemer that saved us from our sin.

Genesis should have an impact on our lives because it begins the story of God’s redemptive message. Genesis also shows us how sin entered our lives and how we are supposed to fight against it through the power of the Yahweh Elohim. Genesis is a story of beginnings. It tells us how the Israelite nation began. It also shows us how the Abrahamic covenant originated. This Abrahamic covenant is ultimately fulfilled through the Seed of Jesus Christ (Galatians 3). Therefore, Genesis is a story of beginnings. Moses was an excellent writer on Genesis. Moses showed me how the nation of Israel became a set apart nation for the glory of God. This is my take on Genesis by viewing it in the lens of Moses.

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