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The Battles of the Revolutionary War: A look on the American Revolution

Since the British parliament forced the American citizens to pay the increase in tax rate without representation in the year of 1775, the American citizens refused by holding up a bold-faced sign that states these simple words , “Don’t tread on me” and by the American Sons of Liberty pushing the tea off the British boat in 1773 under the command of Samuel Adams. After the Americans tried these approaches, The British King George of England decided to send troops in April to Boston, where the American rebellion started. This famous American Rebellion led up to the starting battles which are famously named the Battle of Lexington and Concord which occurred on April 19, 1775. Before the revolution began, the British forces superiorly marched out of Lexington with commands to seize any weapons that might be found that belonged to the colonial forces of Jonas Parker. At dawn, the colonial militia confronted the 700 lobster backs when the redcoats noticed that the 75 minutemen were waiting for them in the villages like a predator waiting for the kill. After the Redcoats noticed them, Jonas Parker cried out in a soft, elegant, loud voice to the colonial forces, “don’t fire unless fired upon.” Tragically, after Jonas remarked that famous statement, someone fired a shot that surprised the British authority. This deadly shot was called the ‘The Shot Heard ‘round the world”. However this first battle led to casualties of the minutemen. In the small town of Concord, the advancing lobster backs severely suffered the sniping of the American forces. This deadly battle killed 8 and injured 10 minutemen in the battle of Lexington.

After the bloody battles of Lexington and Concord, the American Militia decided to build impenetrable fortifications to guard their colonial forces the day before the Battle of Bunker Hill which was the first major and bloodiest battle that occurred on June 17, 1775. Surprisingly, General Thomas Gage woke up to observe that two hills across the impassible Charles River were covered with Patriot troops and fortifications were eventually penetrated. General William Howe brilliantly ferried his men across the immovable river and lead his men up the slope of Breed’s Hill since the determined General Gage ordered him to overwhelm the rebel troops. This report from a messenger led Colonel William Prescott to quickly order his men by stating, “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.” Because of this order, the nervous Patriots eyed the advancing bayonets and fought off the impulse or urge to let loose a quick volley before running away from the advancing British troopers. The Redcoats were still firing! The American Army waited until they were fifteen paces from the British army before letting loose a ripping volley that immensely covered the hillside with bodies whose vital fluids are pouring out of their bodies. The enraged British retreated, attacked a second time, and AGAIN fell back. In the bloodstained, white, silk breeches, Howe managed to gather his men and finally gain the crest of the Breed’s Hill. By that time, the Americans, who had run out of ammunition, were gone like they disappeared. The Casualties of this battle were quite terrible –about half of the British’s 2000 men died. Patriot’s losses were fewer –about 440 out of 3,200 defenders died. The Battle of Bunker Hill on June 17, 1775 brought the Patriots much-needed confidence.

In August 27, 1776 (a year and two months after the battle of Bunker Hill), the bitter Battle of Long Island, which was one of the largest battles, stood to not be a good outcome for the patriots because the British took the Americans by surprised and overcame most of their lines. [5] As the Americans were on the verge of disaster, they retreated to Brooklyn Height. [3] Apparently, Washington realized that he needed to find a solution to flee the dreadful Long Island. The bursting of the wind kept the Lobster backs’ ships out of the river. On the Dreary night of August 29, the oarsmen, under cover of rain, began ferrying their forces to the East river like a predator swimming towards the prey. Fortunately for the Patriots, a dense fog settled over Brooklyn which allowed more than 9,000 men to slip out of their grasp, however the British were too late to stop them from slipping out of their hands. The Battle of Long Island effectively stood to be the worst outcome for the patriots and the surviving patriots will live to fight another day.

In the latter part of December, 1776, the bloody Battle of Trenton may have been the American Revolution’s gloomiest battle. The American Militia lay in Pennsylvania shivering, hungry, sick and finally exhausted. While the captain of army, George Washington was trying to locate any boats he could possible find on the banks of the Delaware River, the 1,400 Hessian Soldiers hired by the King George of England, was preparing for a Christmas feast of roast goose and rum because they figured that no army could possible travel in frozen winter weather. George Washington did finally locate the boats, loaded it with troops, and started to sail across the river to the Hessian soldiers. Unaware of the danger, Washington’s troops faced chunks of ice, rain, hail, and snow fell. After they traveled by boat across the river, they stumbled 9 miles toward Trenton. Successfully, the Americans effectively located the troops and attacked in the early light of December 26 in the blinding snow. The British troops could not organize a defense because he was stunned to discover an army appearing out of nowhere. Within 45 minutes, the battle was over. George Washington instilled in the minds of the troops that the fight of liberty might be attainable after all.

By the blistering summer of 1780, the British claimed victories that had convinced that the lower South lay under his control but Major Patrick Ferguson stirred up the Patriots’ passion. [5] Since Nine hundred men swarmed out of the mountains of present-day Tennessee, they were called the over mountain men because they lived over the mountain. Ferguson had an elevated advantage of the Higher ground, however the Patriots hid behind trees and rocks. When the brutal fighting ceased, over 300 British loyalists got killed or wounded, and 700 had been taken prisoner. Tragically, Ferguson lay dead with eight bullets lodged in his body. This victorious defeat led Cornwallis to retreat to the south. According to The British commander in chief, Sir Henry Clinton, stated, “The First link in a chain of evils that followed each other in regular succession until they, at last, ended in the total loss of America.” This battle of Kings Mountain, that the redcoats lost, truly influenced the war ever since.

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