The Waymaker Youth Mission
Know. Love. Serve.
Waymaker Youth Mission is dedicated to help viewers know, love, and serve Jesus Christ. We are a non-profit organization trying to create an online ministry. Please check out our Bible Study page and sign up for one of our Bible Studies. Thanks again for coming and viewing this website.
Book Response: Let the Nations be Glad! The Supremacy of God in Missions by John Piper
Election Series Part 1: The Number 1 enemy of the American People is the News Media
The Mystery Man Encounter
Star Wars: Corrupt Powers
A spiritual Casualty: A Look on the Life of Mr. Hal Northington
Big Governments: Are They Overstepping Their Boundaries?
The Battles of the Revolutionary War: A look on the American Revolution
Breaking News: Kansas Governor using Surveillance Technologies to combat COVID-19
From Being Fatherless to Being Loved: A Look in Jim Howell’s Life
The Civil War: The Questions
Coronavirus: Where did it originate From?
How Medicare Expansion will Impact the Kansans?
Weather: the Celebration of Weather
Forge Leadership Summit